かき / Oyster
"The freshest oysters.”
According to the book of “The Zeelandia Diary”, the history if oysters in Taiwan is more than 400 years. The fish tax “蠔” levied by Zheng Chenggong when he governed Taiwan refers to oysters. Due to Taiwan's hot climate, oysters take a short time to grow up so they are relatively small in size, but they are still rich in nutritional value. Taiwan is also the sixth largest oyster producer in the world.The oyster farm in Taiwan are mainly located in the intertidal zone or near the river outlet. The lagoon terrain of Qigu in Tainan is one of the four major production areas. In recent years, some people also developed oyster tours. You can take a bamboo raft to the oyster farms on the sea and enjoy the freshest oysters one the raft, so much fun and yummy.
( 例如:下單數量 1,出貨 30*150cm / 下單數量 2,出貨 60*150cm 。依此類推。)
單筆消費滿 NT. 800 享免運費
(限台灣地區,海外地區運費一律 NT. 300 )
7-11 取貨付款 | NT. 80
7-11 取貨 | NT. 80
宅配到府 | NT. 80
海外郵寄 | NT. 300