窓格子 / Iron Flowers
“The eternal flower."
During the Japanese colonial period, Taiwan gradually became Westernized such as the iron windows made of iron were introduced to the island in 1920s. Especially when the economy took off in the 1950s, a large number of buildings were built all over the country. At that time, iron windows became an important security device for building. Nowadays, although most doors and windows have been replaced by stainless steel or anti-theft aluminum windows, you can still see lots of beautiful tradition iron windows everywhere. Especially the "one flower in a pot” or “three flowers in a pot" design have become a ubiquitous urban detail in Taiwan.
( 例如:下單數量 1,出貨 30*150cm / 下單數量 2,出貨 60*150cm 。依此類推。)
單筆消費滿 NT. 800 享免運費
(限台灣地區,海外地區運費一律 NT. 300 )
7-11 取貨付款 | NT. 80
7-11 取貨 | NT. 80
宅配到府 | NT. 80
海外郵寄 | NT. 300