No.003 千鳥 / 千鳥 / Spoonbill
千鳥 / Spoonbill
"The Invisible Black-Faced Dancers in the Wetlands”
6603 is the number of the black-faced spoonbills in 2023. Every autumn, they fly thousands of kilometers from Northeastern Asia, migrating southward to wintering grounds. Zengwen River Mouth Wetlands in Tainan is the place where they spend most of the winter. However, due to human disturbance and destruction, there were only 288 Black-faced spoonbills left (in 1988) living mainly in estuaries, wetlands, and intertidal zones. Human beings, development, and ecology are always closely related. Black vs. white, virtual vs. reality—life is just like the fate of the Black-faced spoonbill. Do you see a spoonbill hidden among the spoonbills?