No.006 匾 / 匾 / Plaque


匾 / Plaque


文字,一種人文肌理充斥城市的各個角落。從門牌、交通標誌、到不時出現在家門口的鎖店貼紙,乘載著不同資訊與目的來到你我面前。府城著名四大奇匾:天壇「一」字匾、城隍廟「爾來了」、竹溪寺「了然世界」與武廟 「大丈夫」,各自蘊含不同歷史文化與哲學概念,透過蒼勁的書法保存先人智慧之言,經典雋永、流傳萬代。


“The Beauty of Words in the City”

Words can create a kind of texture for each corner of a city - a texture of literature. The literature carries different information and goals that appear in front of you and me via address plates, traffic signs, or often, the random stickers that advertise key stores. Tainan is reputed by four plaque words: “One”, from Tian Gong Temple; “Here You Came”, from City God Temple; “Discernment of the World”, located in Chikukei Temple; and ”A Great Man”, embedded in Temple of Martial God. All these words entail varieties of history, cultures, and philosophy, and are expressed by our predecessors’ brisk Chinese calligraphy that preserves our ancestors’ wisdom from generation to generation.

